What happens when you run out of steam? The mist that condenses over water, an indication that there is fire, a light of creation. What happens when that vessel of water’s (humans are approximately 70% water) combustion is retarded; when there is not enough friction to create that palpable mist of aliveness?
Friction is an interesting component. We (whoever we are) are taught (by whomever they are) on the spiritual path to relinquish desire, but the friction between wanting and having is part of the fire, the friction, that ignites creation. How is there desire-less creation? Should we be desire-less? Should we be creation-less? If we stop attempting to change or create, and linger in the acceptance of nothingness, does the merry-go-round stop: the ride is over? You win. Now there is nothing.
I have heard, that when you realize that you are no longer the doer, you may hand yourself over and the light of the Greater Source pours through you. Well, what if you are trapped between the third dimensional, palpable enjoyment of money and socially accepted power (i.e. living in a body) and the Universal acceptance of a created life (i.e. know you are more than the body)? What do to? And do we not need some steam to get that locomotive going?
"Inspirare" is a compound term resulting from the Latin prefix "in" (inside, into) and the verb "spirare" (to breathe).
To be inspired is to be on the in-breath.
Some also say, that around 1300’s, the translation was "immediate influence of God or a god," especially that under which the holy books were written.
Aspiration is the action.
Aspiration: 1530’s, "action of breathing into," from L. aspirationem (nom. aspiratio), noun of action from pp. stem of aspirare (see aspire). Meaning "steadfast longing for a higher goal, earnest desire for something above one" is recorded from c.1600 (sometimes collectively, as aspirations).
To aspire is the action of breathing life into.
Breath, meeting air, creating steam, stoking inner fire: Creation.
And if we heed the great sage, Rabindranath Tagore:
"Inspiration follows aspiration."
So what does that tell you?
To be continued...in-sight welcome.
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